Friday, March 8, 2013

Small Business Development in South Africa

Small Business Development in South Africa

Hello there, TrudyVan here

It is a known fact that all economies worldwide that encourage small business development are amongst the most thriving countries.

South Africa has now given the green light to create small business ventures by giving them a huge tax incentive by lowering the tax bracket for small businesses.

This is the only way our huge unemployment rate is going to be resolved.

Unemployed people are not stupid people, nor do most of them lack the skills.  Just more people than jobs.

There is now a tendency to only hire people that have a Matric at least.  There is a huge percentage of especially women that married early in life that does not have a matric but they have 20 to 30 years on the job experience.  Does that make them "less qualified" than the youngster that has just left school, with no working experience,  but they have a matric?

Not Ranting but this is my story.   I married early and have over 30 years of experience in various fields and could not get a "normal Job"  as I was over experienced and the second reason was that I did not have a matric.  That is the reason I started my own small business  and that is why I am so passionate about promoting small businesses.

Most businesses only employ people between a certain again and if you are over that age,  you do not stand much of a change to get a job.  Which on hindsight is totally ridiculous.  Most older people have less family responsibilities.  They do not have small children that get sick.  They are not having more children and have to go off on Maternity Leave.  They have a wider and more experienced work knowledge which could be utilized to train younger people coming into the workplace.
I have met so many unemployed people.  They have the skills and expertise that our country needs and should be using, but we are not.

Creating a small business to provide the unemployed person to work and support his own family.  This will bring up the morals of our society as well.  When a man or woman can feed and support their families, their self worth returns.

There was a time that companies had to employ a certain number of apprentices per year.  That law seems to have disappeared to the disadvantage of our young people, just leaving school and cannot afford college or university fees.
There is are huge spin offs to the amount of new small business starts in South Africa.  The more jobs the better.  Moral standards improve.  Substance abuse decreases.  Children are cared, like they should be.  There is less illness.  Happy People get Sick less.  Less depression.  Less .  Less robberies.  Creating jobs should be the ultimate goal of any government.

There is too much legal paperwork for the small (micro) business.  The banks have so many prerequisites before a small business loan is granted.  One the one hand I do not blame them.

I have looked around and spoken to people.  The start up costs for most small businesses is less than R2000.00 and some far less.

I would like to see large companies subletting or outsource a lot more of smaller jobs and services to the small (micro) business sectors and the government to implement a special reduction in taxes for the companies that are using more than 5 small (micro) businesses. 

We are if we like it or not.  One Nation.   If each one of us just helps one other person to start a Micro small Business,  we will all be employed or self employed.   Now that is a something to think about as almost half of our country is unemployed.

It is just my opinion and it is not everyone agrees.  That's good because I also know that our democracy is working.  Free to agree or not agree.

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